Our Working process

We follow a structured methodology to achieve the client’s objective in four phases.

Tulasi Complete Project Tulasi Complete Project
Tulasi Complete Project


Completed Project

What We Offer

  • Broiler Management
  • Breeder Management
  • Layer Management
  • Hatchery Management
  • Broiler Management System

Our Broiler Management Software is capable of managing all the activities in your broiler farming anytime, anywhere with deep insights to maximise profits

Our Software is a Cloud-based and is easily accessible from your desktop and mobile devices including offline capabilities to prevent data loss due to hardware failures.

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  • Breeder Management System

Our Breeder Management Software keeps track of different parameters which are crucial for poultry management, such as feed intake, bird body weights, mortality, production forecast, and batchwise performance.

You can get access to all production details and make comparisons on real-time with respect to productions, hatching eggs, and Inventory.

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Breeder Management System
  • Layer Management System

Poultry management software for Layers is exclusively for Layer farmers who will be able to track their daily activities such as Egg production percentage, Consumption of Feed/Feed conversion and Bird Mortalities.

Our software is a tool to monitor and record all the transactional activities involved in a layer farm and detect any unnatural condition occurred.

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Layer Management System
  • Hatchery Management System

Our Hatchery Management Software is designed to capture all transactions and activities involved in a hatchery, like Batch Performance, Purchases, Sales, Expenses, and Accounting.

The users of our software can keep track of all the activities like egg receipt, cold room stocks, egg grading, egg candling, egg settings, chick sales, chicks grading, transfer rate, dispatch along with hatch break analysis.

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Hatchery Management System
  • Agri product

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Tulasi Agri product
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